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Il Tartufato Bianco – White truffle Oil


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Excellent Seasoning

Our white truffle oil "Il Tartufato Bianco" enhances all your dishes with the excellent, refined scent of the White Truffle of Alba, a true delicacy.
It can be used either as a substitute for the truffle or together with the same in order to enhance the taste.
It can be added to risotto, tagliatelle pasta, eggs, fondue, "Carpaccio" (slices of raw beef with oil and parmesan dressing), salads or other dishes, just before serving.
How to use: one teaspoon per person, the quantity varies according to personal tastes and dishes. Shake well before pouring.
Keep in a cool place out of direct sunlight.
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Inaudi has always been known for its handmade and artisanal productions. The ingredients used in the manufacture are all carefully selected and seven quality checks guarantee a high end product, known and appreciated all over the world.

COD: 01001 / BARCODE: 8015545010010
COD: 01010 / BARCODE: 8015545010102
COD: 01013 / BARCODE: 8015545010133
COD: 01020 / BARCODE: 8015545010201
COD: 01023 / BARCODE: 8015545010232

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Weight N/A

40ml, 100ml, Bottle in Box 100ml, 250ml, Bottle in Box 250ml

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White Truffle flavoured olive oil (97%)
Ingredients: olive oil, white truffle extract (Tuber magnatum), flavourings, truffles (Tuber albidum) 0,3%.
Nutrition declaration for 100ml: Energy 3367kJ, 819kcal; Fat 91g of which saturates 14g; Carbohydrate 0g of which sugars 0g; Protein 0g; Salt 0g.
Keep in a cool place out of direct sunlight.
Instruction: one teaspoon per person, the quantity varies according to personal tastes and dishes. Shake well before pouring.
Inaudi Clemente & C. srl, Corso Mazzini 148, Borgo San Dalmazzo (CN) Italia

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